Welcome to the Kids Page
Find your "just right" book, get homework help, or simply have fun! Our friendly library staff is always ready to help. If you don't find what you are looking for, just ask.
A special message for parents:
Library visits, attending programs, and reading aloud at home support school readiness skills. Motivation, phonological abilities, increased vocabulary, narrative abilities, print awareness and letter knowledge are only a few benefits of a literature-rich environment. Library usage also increases a child’s exposure to ideas, places, concepts, and situations they may not have previously encountered. Experience with different genres and media can help children develop and express their creativity. Most importantly, trips to the library will encourage reading as a lifelong habit, applaud learning, and celebrate your child's imagination.
Book-A-Day Almanac: Daily children's book recommendations and events from Anita Silvey.
Book Adventure: A fun and free way to motivate kids in grades K-8 to read.
Book Hive: Your guide to children's literature and books.
Kid's Reads: The best place on the web for kids to find info about their favorite books, series, and authors.
Book Wizard: Find books here on your GUIDED READING LEVEL.
Book Wizard Tutorial: Learn how to get the most out of the book wizard by watching this informative tutorial.
Facthound: Accurate and current homework resources from the internet.
Yahooligans!: The spot to find just the right search engine for an assignment.
BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper: Touted of the best free education and homework resources for students, teachers and parents.
Poptropica: Explore. Collect. Compete. Online adventure and strategy games.
Fun Brain: Educational games and content. Online version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
I Know That!: Practice learning skills for life through this site's grade level specific content.
WatchKnowLearn: Free educational videos. Organized.
Starfall: Designed primarily for first grade, Starfall is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and second grade.